The conference will offer different workshops and panels that emphasise interaction with attendees. There will also be three keynotes by Payal Arora, Minna Ruckenstein and Rob Kitchin. The goal is to learn more about how to practice collaborative research that bridges academia and the professional field.

Dates: April 7-8, 2025
Location: De Zalen van Zeven (Boothstraat 7, 3512 BT Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Day 1 (April 7th)

9.00 Walk-in with coffee 
9.15 Opening by Prof. dr. ir. Wilco Hazeleger, Rector Magnificus of Utrecht University
“Welcome: Collaborative Research in a Datafied Society” (Data School)
9.45 “Performing Critical Data Studies from the Inside: Working with Government to Change Data Regimes”

Rob Kitchin
10.45 Break 
11.15 Panel on Stage: Impact & Education
12.30 Lunch 
13.30 Policy-Making and Multi-Stakeholder WorkshopsBeyond Superficial Impact NarrativesTeam Science: How to Build and Run Transdisciplinary Research TeamsESDiT: Co-creating Approaches to the Responsible Use of Emerging Disruptive Technologies
15.00 Break
15.20 cont’dcont’dcont’dcont’d
16.50 Drinks 

Day 2 (April 8th)

9.00 Walk-in with coffee 
9.15 “Building Inclusive Tech with the Global South”

Payal Arora
10.15 “Collaborative Explorations as ‘Breathing Spaces for Digital Futures’”

Minna Ruckenstein
11.15 Break 
11.30 Panel on Stage: Measuring Impact
12.30 Lunch 
13.30 Gen(der)AI SafetyEnhancing Collaborative Research Through Design Thinking MethodologiesAdvancing Recommender Systems through Academia-Industry CollaborationNavigating AI Ethics in Media: A Hands-On Workshop with DEDA
15.00 Break 
15.20 cont’dcont’dcont’dcont’d
16.50 Drinks